Returns and Exchanges

To proceed with Returns and Exchanges procedures please contact:

Pursuant to Article 52 of the Consumer Code, as defined below, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without specifying the reason, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which the Customer (or his authorized representative on receipt of the Product) physically enters in possession of the Product itself and, in case of distributed delivery, from the day on which the Customer acquires the physical possession of the last Product.
10.2  To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must send by e-mail or traditional mail within the deadline set in the previous article 10.1:
(a) a communication that highlights the Customer's intention to exercise the right of withdrawal pursuant to Article 52 of the Consumer Code;
this communication must contain the following information:
(i) indication of the Product for which the Customer wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal;
(ii) order number.
The communication must be sent to the following address:
Via Paolo Ruffini 149, Modena MO - Italy

10.3. Within 14 (fourteen) days of the withdrawal notice (transmitted in accordance with the previous article 10.2) the Customer must return the purchased Product to INCARTATO CERAMICS by sending it to the following address, choosing the most appropriate shipping method to the value of the Product:
Via Paolo Ruffini 149, Modena MO - Italy

The costs for returning the Product to INCARTATO CERAMICS are charged to the Customer. The Customer is solely responsible for any decrease in the value of the Product resulting from a handling of the Product other than what is necessary to ascertain its nature, characteristics and functioning: therefore, the Customer is obliged not to remove any labels applied to the Product.
10.4. INCARTATO CERAMICS will refund the sum paid by the Customer, including any reasonable delivery costs, without undue delay and in any case no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which INCARTATO CERAMICS was informed of the Customer's decision to withdraw from the contract in accordance with this article 10. Such reimbursement will be made by INCARTATO CERAMICS with the same payment methods used by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless otherwise agreed and expressly agreed between the parties and on condition that the Customer does not incur additional expenses against this repayment.
10.5. INCARTATO CERAMICS may suspend the reimbursement until the receipt by INCARTATO CERAMICS of the returned Product or, where it occurs before such reception, until the moment when the Customer provides proof of having returned the Product.
10.6. After the shipment of the Product, the order can no longer be canceled or modified. The return of the Products already shipped must be carried out in any case in accordance with the procedure provided for in this article 10.

All rights reserved.


Via Paolo Ruffini 149
41123 Modena (MO)
VAT 04005530920
REA MO-436400

IG @incartato.ceramics